Free Business Tools That Solve Remote Working Problems

Free Business Tools That Solve Remote Working Problems

For those that are able to work from home, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a sharp rise in remote working. Suddenly, the desktop layout that you were used to has changed, and colleagues and employees are no longer a few desks away if you have questions. We’re going to break down some of the…

Pandle Update - Direct Bank Feeds

Pandle Update: Direct Bank Feeds

Despite the autumn chill, our users can always expect a warm welcome from the team here at Pandle. We’ve recently added some upgrades, for an even more heart-warming experience. We’ve switched to a new bank feeds provider, giving users of our accounting software a faster, more reliable experience. High-fives all round!…

feature update - open banking

Pandle, Open Banking, and Bank Feeds

The next stage of the Open Banking Regulation is coming into effect on 14th September 2019, which means an update to the rules on the way that bank account information is accessed and shared. It’s had an effect on what some bookkeeping software providers are able to offer. But, we’re glad to say that here…

Is Blockchain the Future of Freelancing

Is Blockchain the Future of Freelancing?

If you read this title and thought, “I really hope it isn’t, because I’m a freelancer and I haven’t got a clue what blockchain is,” then don’t panic. I can guarantee you’re not alone….